
our final day in new york was spent over the bridge in brooklyn. we ventured out to explore what it had to offer, choosing a saturday so we could get a feel of the creative art culture and the weekend markets. we emerged from our apartment at noon- with my late night activities warranting a sleep in.

as usual on the subway, there were an array of characters. an african american man sat mumbling to himself. he wore simple clean clothes. was he talking to himself? he then pulled out a book- notes or a script. perhaps he was an actor? i then realized he donned ten fingers coated with ebony black nail polish. just eccentric? i have realized over the last ten days that this is the joy of new york. you choose to embrace it and not judge it- because you just never know the truth of some people. 

emerging from the subway in brooklyn- there was definitely a different feel. people walked slower, looked calmer and were jumping in our way to help give us directions. we found a lovely woman who walked us to a corner and directed us to the market.
'oh no, nobody lives in manhattan anymore- brooklyn is the place to live!'

the flea market was held in a school on the track and field area. there were so many impressive arts and crafts, as well as lots of home made food and fresh produce. we spent a few hours at the market and met one stall owner who directed mum to shop on fulton street when she asked where the fat ladies shop in america. 
'it's not fat- it's the proper ladies. and the caribbean ladies shop there'

we very quickly realised that we had probably entered brooklyn from the wrong end. walking into a store, we realise that we were the only caucasian people in the store, surrounded by african american women and children. they looked at us as if to say 'um, are you lost?'. despite this, the store was pretty incredible- getting a maxi dress for $12 and shoes for $9.99. breaking the bank!

we ventured into the more 'touristy' area of brooklyn as it reached the early evening. walking through the buildings, the brooklyn bridge came into view. going to a deli supermarket, we picked up sushi and drinks and headed for d.u.m.b.o (down under the manhattan bridge overpass). we sat and ate as the sun went down behind manhattan and the lights of the buildings were slowly turned on. it was beautiful! young kids found refuge from the heat splashing in the water, and couples canoodled (gross- get a room).

we ended the evening by walking back into manhattan via the brooklyn bridge. over the water, the breeze picked up and the lights of manhattan twinkled. it was a phenomenally beautiful sight- so beautiful mum began to tear up. but i would expect nothing less from the softy! what a perfect way to end our time in new york!

overall, it had been an incredible ten days in new york- and i will be sad to say goodbye!



Meet The Author

I am a 22 year old photographer traveling to far away lands in hope of doing some good and discovering more of myself.

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