Gangnam Style!


Last night was Friday night, and marked my first night in a Chinese club. Having finished the first week of classes, people were all feeling pretty good. We spent the night going between people’s rooms - from Slovakians to Kenyans. There is a really nice feeling of community in the hotel. And this is only made stronger when some alcohol is thrown into the mix! We set off to the Chinese club that most of the students go to at about 11:30- not quite sure what to expect out of the night.

Arriving at the club was like something out of a movie. Strobes flashed relentlessly as we walked through the dimly lit club- abusing the senses. Unlike the clubs at home, the floor space was taken up by long, luxurious benches with people serving alcohol. Very little space was left over for dancing, but naturally I sought out space and utilised it to the fullest. Upon podiums stood performers- men with two ladies each draped over them dancing. Just like a local shitting in the street in broad daylight- it was hard to look away. 

The dance floor was packed to the brim with people, both the foreigners from our hotel and the locals. Although I didn’t understand the music- I definitely appreciated it. The song ended, and people began to cheer. Three men graced the stage dressed in sun glasses and donning rather ridiculous hairstyles. I realised the music right away as it started- as did everyone else who began to dance vigorously. Gangnam style. For those of you who do not know the song or the video clip, I would suggest clicking onto YouTube and taking a look. It was a crazy few minutes, the whole club singing and dancing to the choreographed dance. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t one of my highlights so far. 

Returning to our booth, I realised we had acquired quite a bit of alcohol. Adam explained that to get a seat in Chinese clubs you will generally have to pay- or buy alcohol. Naturally, he chose the second option. Sitting down, I spotted the biggest bottle of alcohol I had ever seen in my life. Adam suggested we drink up, because it was all ours. We all sat horrified at the 5 litres of Johnny Walker that sat in front of us- and the three bottles of vodka that followed. Safe to say the rest of the night became a blur of dancing and drinking. And for most of the members of our friend-ship, Saturday was written off as a day of rest. As we all joined together on Saturday night to watch a movie, we all agreed that it had been a very messy but enjoyable night. And our giant bottle of Johnny walker sits on a bench in the club, waiting for us to return and finish it. 


Meet The Author

I am a 22 year old photographer traveling to far away lands in hope of doing some good and discovering more of myself.

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