the final chapter.

the last five-ish weeks have without a doubt been some of the best times i have had in my life. the people, the places, the food and the summer weather all made america everything i had ever imagined, and so much more.

to all of you back home and abroad who followed the blog, thank you. many a late night of writing and editing whilst mum slept all feels worth it. 1,500 views on the blog is humbling- and i'm glad you could all follow along on the adventures. people of all ages; family, friends, strangers and those i met on my travels all jumped on thanks for taking the time and keeping me writing every day.

sharon, thank you so much for housing us in san diego, and touring us through los angeles. we definitely couldn't have done that part of the trip without you! it was so fantastic to have you around for that part of the trip, and to see san diego with you!

and finally- to mum, we actually did it. we managed nearly five weeks of travel without killing one another! a very impressive feat if you ask me. i couldn't have possibly asked for anybody better to travel with. we left the country with not much of an idea of what we were doing. we struggled with foreign currency, walked our faces off and danced like crazy people in nearly every place imaginable . but mainly we laughed, at anything and everything. at the absurdity of the country and the people, as well as ourselves and the situations we landed ourselves in. and i just had the most wonderful time creating all those memories with you. so cheers, and i love you a crazy amount.

until next travels,



Meet The Author

I am a 22 year old photographer traveling to far away lands in hope of doing some good and discovering more of myself.

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